Patrick Paraggio
Send Me A Dollar
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Send Me a Dollar

Send Me a Dollar
I'll write you a song
Then you can access
The digital download
I'll tell you my feelings
You can relate them to yours
Use your own judgement
Evaluate my flaws

I've seen some hard times
I've been on the dole
And when my relief runs dry
And I'm done crying
I'll pack up what I own

I'll place some adds first on craigslist
eBay if local seems too slow
maybe my children
they're angels you know
can keep some of their special things
when we move from our home
my daughter has a doll left that she loves
and my son builds with Lego

I try not the stress them
as they see we have more room
but they remember the last 3 times
I lost my job
and our reserves are gone

so go make digital copies
make all that you want
pass my failure all around this town
I won't talk about my rights
maybe somebody who hears me
will have the means to respond
someone might send me a dollar
P.O Box 589
Zip 03060

Please send me a dollar
because I wrote you this song
a final sonata
of the sounds I've come to know
it seems a reasonable sum to ask
since I opened my window
and gave you my final hour
with this instrument I love

I thought that things would be alright
when the bank signed the note
and I gave them this little house
on a hill
for Christmas not long ago

I guess I was mistaken
Man my head really hurts
maybe I should clean this
before I put it all away
well at least I will dry it
so those streaks don't stain
yeah I'm sure they will worry
when they see my guitar case go

and everything seems to Quiet
now that something is wrong
maybe my voice can still reach light ears
before everything here is gone
maybe somebody who hears me
will have the means to respond
someone might send me a dollar
Box 589
Zip 03060

Send me a dollar

Copyright 2009, 2010 Patrick A. Paraggio
Lyric Credits: Patrick A Paraggio
Music Credits: Patrick A Paraggio
Producer Credits: Patrick A Paraggio
Publisher Credits: Patrick A Paraggio
Performance Credits: Patrick A Paraggio
Song Length: 4:04
Primary Genre: Country-Contemporary
Secondary Genre: -
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal